This article presents a number of really interesting and useful facts concerning oral health and oral hygiene care.

Fun Dental Fact 1: What do people first notice about you when they meet you?
According to a survey of more than 1,000 Pueblo residents, almost half (47%) said that the very first thing they notice about someone is their smile. The rest said:
- 31% eyes
- 11% smell
- 7% clothes
- 4% hair
So, the next time you spend money on new clothing and a fancy haircut rather than seeing the Pueblo dentist for a check-up, think again! You’re investing in the wrong attribute!
Fun Dental Fact 2: Red wine, in moderation, is good for your teeth!
As if we needed another reason to love red wine, Pueblo CO dental implant surgeons come along with the revelation that red wine contains certain chemicals that prevent oral bacteria from sticking to your teeth and gums! While it’s not recommended that you brush your teeth with red wine, that glass at dinnertime just became more enjoyable!
Fun Dental Fact 3: Orthodontic treatment is important for more than just straight teeth and a pretty smile…
Straight teeth aren’t only prettier and more aesthetically pleasing, they also tend to be healthier, because they’re easier to clean. According to many dentists in Pueblo Co, skew and overlapping teeth trap food and bacteria more easily and this can lead to a greater risk of cavities and tooth decay.
Straight teeth also facilitate better speech, better chewing function and more confidence at school or the professional working environment.
Fun Dental Fact 4: Coconuts are super good for your teeth
Coconuts contain certain chemical agents that are known for their anti-bacterial properties, which is why their oil is the preferred choice of those who like “oil pulling.” For everyone else, they’re a delicious and healthy snack – buy them fresh and enjoy!
Not-so Fun Dental Fact 5: Gum disease can make you VERY sick

According to dental implant surgeons in Pueblo, at least 80% of American adults have gum disease. Gum disease has systemic effects and leaves you more vulnerable to a shocking variety of illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, dementia and liver and kidney disease.
In fact, according to one Harvard study, having gum disease can increase your risk of kidney and pancreatic cancer by 62%! It also increases your risk of oral cancer. By receiving prompt treatment for gum disease, you can extend your life by an average of 6,2 years.
Fun Dental Fact 6: Chewing gum is good for your teeth
Chewing sugar-free gum with xylitol is actually really good for your teeth and gums, because it encourages the production of saliva, which contains anti-bacterial properties. Saliva also helps to wash away food debris that might be encouraging the growth of oral bacteria and it aids in the remineralization (strengthening) of your dental enamel after eating.
Fun Dental Fact 7: Electric vs. manual toothbrushes?
There isn’t much difference between electronic and manual toothbrushing. What’s important, say Pueblo dentists, is how frequently and thoroughly you brush. No amount of fancy technology can rival a good brushing technique and good diligence.
Fun Dental Fact 8: Bleeding gums isn’t normal
It’s not normal for your gums to bleed when you brush! This could either be a sign that you’re brushing too hard, in which case you should invest in a soft-bristled brush and ease up on the pressure, or it could be a sign of gum infection (gingivitis) and gum disease (periodontitis). Better book an appointment with your dentist to be sure!
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