Thursday, 30 July 2015

Orthodontists in Colorado Springs Reveal That The Beverages We Drink Are Literally Killing Our Teeth!

According to many studies, soft drinks, sodas, juices and sports energy drinks are doing extensive acid erosion to our teeth, as well as encouraging decay; more so than any other culprit known to damage our teeth.

If asked what the worst culprit behind tooth decay is, most Colorado Springs residents will report “sugary foods.” While you may be partially right in saying this, a recent scientific study that appeared in the Journal of Public Health Dentistry reveals that, in actuality, soft drinks – such as Coca Cola, Mountain Dew, Fanta, Sprite and other sweet carbonated beverages – are the greatest culprits behind advanced dental erosion and tooth decay in Colorado Springs.

The Results of the Study on Popular Beverages and Our Teeth

Orthodontist Colorado Springs
According to this study of 3,773 participants, almost 80% presented with some degree of dental erosion (a thinning of the enamel covering their teeth), while 15% showed moderate to severe dental erosion. The latter group reported consuming more juice and soft drinks than those with mild tooth wear. Milk was quite popular drink among those with only mild dental erosion.

What does this all mean?

“Sodas, soft drinks, fruit juices and sports energy drinks all have a devastating impact upon your dental health if you do not consume them in moderation,” says one orthodontist in Colorado Springs. “Even patients who have one drink per day will eventually start showing signs of acid erosion, so you can imagine the state of someone’s teeth who consumes gallons of soda per day, which is not uncommon here in America.”

Fruit Juice is a Problem, Too?

All right, so soft drinks are a given. We know that they are packed with sugar, but why is fruit juice lumped in the same category as all those other unhealthy beverages? Surely fruit juice is good for you?

“Fruit juice may be good for your body – especially if unsweetened – but the juice itself is highly acidic and constantly sipping on it will repeatedly expose your dental enamel to an acid bath,” explains the Colorado Springs dentist. “Acid softens the enamel, which leaves it more vulnerable to erosion. Therefore, the more frequently you consume sodas and fruit juices, the more damage you stand to do to your teeth.

“It’s not just sugar that’s a problem… it’s the acidity.”

How Do I Know Whether I Have Dental Erosion?

When the dental enamel covering your teeth thins and becomes worn away, it leaves the underlying dentine more vulnerable and exposed to factors, such as extremes in temperature. This can make eating hot or cold foods and beverages quite uncomfortable; so one indicator of acid erosion is tooth sensitivity.

The best way to tell whether you have a problem or not is to see your dentist and, if necessary, have some restorative work done on your teeth to ensure that there are no breaches in their defense (enamel),” says an orthodontist in Colorado Springs.

A Final Note

Colorado Springs dentist
The results of this study just add to the seemingly unending literature available on the harmful nature of the beverages we consume by the pool-full here in Colorado Springs. Sure, on a hot day an ice-cold soft drink is more than welcome, but we – as a nation – need to stop viewing sweet beverages as thirst-quenchers and we need to combat this addiction from adolescence.

“Milk and water and occasionally some fruit juice are good for you,” say Colorado Springs dentists. “But if you want to keep your teeth beautiful and healthy for life, avoid soft drinks for the most part.”

Monday, 13 July 2015

Fun and Interesting Dentistry Facts for Colorado Springs! PART 3

This three-part article series takes a fun yet sometimes serious look at some super interesting facts you probably didn’t know about your teeth and oral healthcare.

Colorado Springs Dentist
# 7: Dentists among the most trusted professionals in America

According to the results of a recent survey, dentists, doctors and nurses are the most trusted professionals in the United States. Who were the least trusted? Not surprisingly, congressmen and lobbyists!

# 8: There are greater inconveniences than a dental appointment…

Time Magazine recently conducted a survey that came through with some pretty interesting results. According to the survey, about 60% of Americans would rather visit the dentist than sit next to someone blabbing away on their cell phone.

“This is quite a heartening statistic,” says one Colorado Spring dentist. “So many people avoid coming in for dental treatment because they suffer from some kind of associated phobia or anxiety. To hear that most people would rather visit the dentist than sit next to someone talking on their cellphone – which, let’s be honest, is a daily occurrence on public transport – is a positive change from the norm. Perhaps we can start expecting to see more and more people coming in for the routine preventative dental healthcare that’s so necessary for great long-term oral health.”

# 9: 75% of Colorado Springs residents suffer from gum disease

Surely not! Yet, according to the Centre for Disease Control, it’s true. The vast majority of, not just Colorado Springs, the American population is in such poor dental health that they have developed some form or stage of gum disease.

“Gum disease is characterized by an advanced bacterial infection of the gums and soft tissues in the mouth,” explains a Colorado Springs dental implant surgeon. “In severe gases, the disease affects the jawbone underlying the gums and can actually deteriorate this hard tissue, as well as the ligaments holding the teeth in place. This is why untreated gum disease is often associated with tooth loss.”

With 75% of the population suffering from gum disease – whether it’s mild gingivitis or severe periodontitis – it’s no surprise that this disease is the predominant cause of tooth loss in patients older than 35.

“The good news is that gum disease is wholly preventable,” says the dental implant dentist. “All you have to do is brush and floss every day and see your dentist for check-ups twice per year. This alone could help you keep your smile in beautiful condition for life.”

# 10: Is your toothbrush kept at a hygienic distance from the toilet?

Colorado Springs Dental Implant Surgeon
This may come as a shock to you, but if your keep your toothbrush within six feet of a toilet it could get covered with what’s known as a “biofilm” of nasty bacteria.

“Every time a toilet flushes, it sends up a fine spray of water, bacteria and unmentionable particles, which settle on all the bathroom surfaces within a radius of about six feet,” says a Colorado Springs dentist. “If your toothbrush is on the sink next to the toilet, you’re at risk of getting sick from this biofilm. Rather keep your toothbrush in an aired cupboard, or if you’re a fan of those protective caps, make sure the ones you buy have small holes in them so that your toothbrush can dry between uses.”

Friday, 10 July 2015

Fun and Interesting Dentistry Facts for Colorado Springs! PART 2

# 4: When last did you replace your toothbrush?

Dentist Colorado Springs
Take a look at your toothbrush… Are the bristles nice and straight? If not, it’s time to throw your toothbrush away and buy a new one!

“Every three months, you should buy yourself a new toothbrush,” say dentists in Colorado Springs. “With use, the bristles can become blunt and frayed and if they’re not sticking out at perfect 90 degree angles, they aren’t doing a good job of cleaning your teeth. We literally have patients whose toothbrushes look more like toilet cleaners, with bristles sticking out in every which direction. What they don’t know is that a frayed toothbrush is horribly ineffective at getting into the cracks and crevasses between your teeth and at cleaning the gum line.”

According to Colorado Springs dentistry professionals, you should also get rid of a toothbrush after a bout of viral infection, such as a cold or flu. The microbes that made you sick in the first place can get trapped in the bristles of your toothbrush and re-infect you after you’ve healed.

# 5: Never use your teeth as tools!

It’s common knowledge that dental enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, but this isn’t license to go ahead and use your teeth for punishing tasks.

“When we treat patients for cracked, chipped or fractured teeth, one of the main explanations for the damage is – I tried to open a bottle with my teeth,” says a Colorado Springs orthodontist. “Using your teeth to pry open containers, twist metal, open bottles and other tasks that aren’t eating and chewing are a no-no! You can very easily crack or chip a tooth using it as a tool.”

A bottle opener costs a few dollars. Dental restoration of a cracked tooth costs a few hundred dollars. You decide which is best.

# 6: How often should you REALLY see your dentist?

Orthodontist Colorado Springs
“Twice per year” is the advice we’ve all come to know, but did you know that this was more of a catchphrase developed by Pepsodent toothpaste? That’s not to say it’s unfounded advice… seeing your dentist and oral hygienist twice per year is a sterling plan and one that could help you keep your smile beautiful and healthy for life.

Having said that, the standard “twice per year” isn’t always applicable…

“Some of my patients have beautiful, healthy teeth. For them, it may be all right to come back for a check-up again in a year’s time, although we do recommend they see the oral hygienist for a cleaning well before then,” says an orthodontist in Colorado Springs. “Then there are patients who have full-blown gum disease and are in the throes of recovering from an advanced bacterial infection of the gums. These patients will certainly need to come in for appointments more than twice per year. We need to thoroughly clean their teeth and keep an eye on their healing progress, so frequent appointments will be necessary.”

At the end of the day, the number of times you visit your dentist per year should come down to what he or she recommendations, but if you haven’t had a check-up in more than a year, now is the time to book!

Stay tuned for a few last dental facts and stories in the final installment of this three-part article series, coming next week!

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Fun and Interesting Dentistry Facts for Pueblo CO! PART 1

This three-part article series takes a fun yet sometimes serious look at some super interesting facts you probably didn’t know about your teeth and oral healthcare.

Dental Implants Pueblo
 # 1: How much spit do you think you produce in a lifetime?

Your mouth will produce about 25,000 quarts of saliva in your lifetime, according to dentists in Pueblo CO, and this is enough to fill two swimming pools.

Kind of gross, isn’t it?

Well, apart from keeping your mouth nice and moist, your saliva plays an integral role in your digestive system and in keeping your teeth and gums healthy, according to Pueblo dental healthcare professionals. Saliva helps you to process and swallow food. It also contains enzymes that break down this food, thereby preparing it for further digestion in the stomach. It also helps to wash away food debris after eating and contains anti-bacterial agents to fight infection.

See? Not so gross after all!

# 2: Your soda addiction could make you lose your teeth

If you like your sweet beverages, listen up: you could be destroying your teeth.

“The sugar in soda, cola, fruit juices and sports energy drinks fuels the growth of oral bacteria in your mouth,” says a Pueblo dentist. “Bacteria produce wastes that are very acidic and full of sulfurous compounds. The latter makes your breath smell bad if you don’t brush frequently enough, while the former causes cavities and the decay of your dental enamel. This is compounded by the fact that most colas, sodas, etc. are very acidic, too. And so, every time you quench your thirst with one of these sweet beverages, you’re encouraging the decay and acid erosion of your teeth.”

The problem is, too many Colorado residents view sweet beverages as a dietary staple, rather than as the occasional treat. There are many who routinely guzzle three and more glasses of soda or juice every day and according to dental implant surgeons in Pueblo, these people present with 62% more decay, tooth loss and cavities than those who don’t!

Dentist Pueblo CO
“Cola is great with a box of popcorn at the movies; a glass of juice with breakfast is invigorating and an energy drink can be greatly refreshing after a heavy workout, but you should not be guzzling these sweet beverages all the time, every day,” says the Pueblo dental implant dentist. “If you’re thirsty, there’s only one thing you should turn to and that’s fresh, cold water. Once you’ve adjusted to the taste of water, you’ll probably find these other drinks far too sweet for you. Also, you’ll feel much healthier!”

# 3: Floss, it would seem, has multiple applications

Flossing is an integral part of your home oral hygiene routine and if you don’t do it every day, you leave your teeth at risk of developing cavities and decay, especially in the small spaces between them. According to Pueblo dental healthcare professionals, NOT flossing leaves about 35% of your dentition’s surfaces unclean. Gross!

In 1994, however, one innovative West Virginia inmate found an alternate use for dental floss that ended up saving his bacon from a life of incarceration. He managed to braid a sufficient length of dental floss to enable him to scale the walls of the prison and make an escape. It just goes to show you: idle hands are the devil’s playground.

Stay tuned for more fun dental facts and stories in Part 2 of this three-part article series, coming next week!

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Fun Facts from the Pueblo Dentist!

This article presents a number of really interesting and useful facts concerning oral health and oral hygiene care.

Your smile is an incredibly important physical and social asset. What makes a smile beautiful are healthy teeth and gums, so let’s take a look at some super interesting facts about oral health and healthcare that could bring you closer to understanding what it takes to keep your smile gorgeous and confident.

Fun Dental Fact 1: What do people first notice about you when they meet you?

According to a survey of more than 1,000 Pueblo residents, almost half (47%) said that the very first thing they notice about someone is their smile. The rest said:

  • 31% eyes
  • 11% smell
  • 7% clothes
  • 4% hair
So, the next time you spend money on new clothing and a fancy haircut rather than seeing the Pueblo dentist for a check-up, think again! You’re investing in the wrong attribute!

Fun Dental Fact 2: Red wine, in moderation, is good for your teeth!

As if we needed another reason to love red wine, Pueblo CO dental implant surgeons come along with the revelation that red wine contains certain chemicals that prevent oral bacteria from sticking to your teeth and gums! While it’s not recommended that you brush your teeth with red wine, that glass at dinnertime just became more enjoyable!

Fun Dental Fact 3: Orthodontic treatment is important for more than just straight teeth and a pretty smile…

Straight teeth aren’t only prettier and more aesthetically pleasing, they also tend to be healthier, because they’re easier to clean. According to many dentists in Pueblo Co, skew and overlapping teeth trap food and bacteria more easily and this can lead to a greater risk of cavities and tooth decay.

Straight teeth also facilitate better speech, better chewing function and more confidence at school or the professional working environment.

Fun Dental Fact 4: Coconuts are super good for your teeth

Coconuts contain certain chemical agents that are known for their anti-bacterial properties, which is why their oil is the preferred choice of those who like “oil pulling.” For everyone else, they’re a delicious and healthy snack – buy them fresh and enjoy!

Not-so Fun Dental Fact 5: Gum disease can make you VERY sick

According to dental implant surgeons in Pueblo, at least 80% of American adults have gum disease. Gum disease has systemic effects and leaves you more vulnerable to a shocking variety of illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, dementia and liver and kidney disease.

In fact, according to one Harvard study, having gum disease can increase your risk of kidney and pancreatic cancer by 62%! It also increases your risk of oral cancer. By receiving prompt treatment for gum disease, you can extend your life by an average of 6,2 years.

Fun Dental Fact 6: Chewing gum is good for your teeth

Chewing sugar-free gum with xylitol is actually really good for your teeth and gums, because it encourages the production of saliva, which contains anti-bacterial properties. Saliva also helps to wash away food debris that might be encouraging the growth of oral bacteria and it aids in the remineralization (strengthening) of your dental enamel after eating.

Fun Dental Fact 7: Electric vs. manual toothbrushes?

There isn’t much difference between electronic and manual toothbrushing. What’s important, say Pueblo dentists, is how frequently and thoroughly you brush. No amount of fancy technology can rival a good brushing technique and good diligence.

Fun Dental Fact 8: Bleeding gums isn’t normal

It’s not normal for your gums to bleed when you brush! This could either be a sign that you’re brushing too hard, in which case you should invest in a soft-bristled brush and ease up on the pressure, or it could be a sign of gum infection (gingivitis) and gum disease (periodontitis). Better book an appointment with your dentist to be sure!

Friday, 12 June 2015

Dental Implants Cheaper Than Dentures? Colorado Springs Cosmetic Dentists Explain How! PART 3

In this three-part article series, experienced dentists explain how the once-off cost of dental implants works out to be less expensive than the accrued cost of wearing dentures for many years.

Welcome to the final installment of this three-part article series on how the cost of dentures compare with that of dental implants. Previously, in Part 2, a Colorado Springs cosmetic dentist revealed that wearing dentures comes hand-in-hand with a variety of repeat costs that include:

  • Anesthetic gels and ointments: Dentures can cause the gums to become terribly sore and uncomfortable.
  • Adhesives strips: To help stabilize dentures and prevent them from slipping around or even falling out.
  • Overnight soaking solutions: To keep dentures safe and hygienic overnight while you’re asleep.
But perhaps the greatest of these repeated costs is the need to have removable dentures refitted every few years or so. This becomes necessary as the jawbone atrophies, wastes away and physically changes in shape. So, dentures that may previously have fitted really well become increasingly loose and uncomfortable and eventually, patients will need to see the dentist to have a new set of dentures made.

This initially only happens every few years or so, but the rate of bone loss increases until eventually…

The Point of No Return

“At some stage, your jawbone will become so deteriorated and atrophied and your mouth so sore-ridden and uncomfortable that dentures will no longer be able to provide you with a workable teeth replacement solution. And unfortunately, it is also at this stage that the jawbone will be too thin and weak to support dental implants,” say dentists in Colorado Springs.

This is the terrible irony faced by so many denture wearers: through a fundamental lack of stimulation of the jawbone, dentures will eventually leave you completely toothless and with no viable tooth replacement option!

How Are Dental Implants Different?
The procedures required to have dental implants placed may cost more than having removable dentures fitted – even significantly so – but the outcomes make it entirely worth it. Dental implants function, feel and look like natural teeth and, most importantly, they support a healthy, strong jawbone.

With one surgical appointment, Colorado Springs residents can get a beautiful set of new, non-removable teeth that can last them a lifetime without any additional expense other than the routine professional maintenance needed by anyone. If you look after your new teeth, you’ll never need to spend another cent on replacing teeth – forget costly refittings.

“Where removable dentures simply cannot compete with implants is in the quality of life implants make possible. When you’re able to eat, speak and smile confidently and without any discomfort, your life changes in a way you can never imagine possible,” say Colorado Springs cosmetic dentists. “We routinely see denture patients getting new teeth with implants and it’s one of the most satisfying parts of the job seeing their
lives transform.”

A Final Note on Dental Implants

Without a doubt, dental implants are the most sophisticated and – in the long run – cost effective solution there is to the kind of edentulism caused by untreated gum disease. Dentures may initially offer Colorado Springs residents a workable solution, but it really is only a matter of time before discomfort, pain and repeated costs end up chipping away at your quality of life and confidence.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Dental Implants Cheaper Than Dentures? Dentists in Colorado Springs Explain How! PART 2

Welcome to the second installment of this three-part article series on how the cost of dentures compare with that of dental implants. As it was explained in Part 1, there is an unfortunate misconception that dental implants are prohibitively expensive, which is why many Colorado Springs residents opt to have traditional removable dentures fitted when they are diagnosed with a failing dentition caused by advanced gum disease.

What these patients don’t realize is that foregoing the far more sophisticated teeth replacement solution offered by dental implants in favor of dentures - quite simply because of this misconception - is a mistake that could cost them more than they could ever imagine.

“In the long run, dentures could very well, and often do, cost you more than dental implants,” say dentists in Colorado Springs.

Let’s take a look at how this is possible…

The Real Cost of Removable Dentures

Removable dentures have been around for hundreds of years and they do initially offer patients a workable solution to tooth loss and edentulism (toothlessness). However, there are certain challenges involved in the day-to-day of wearing them.

First and foremost, traditional dentures are not anchored in the mouth; they are removable. As such, they rely on their bulk to keep them stabilized and from moving around excessively or even from falling out entirely. Unfortunately, as dentures become increasingly ill fitting, patients will find themselves needing to buy adhesive strips to keep help secure their teeth in place. But, this is just one of several denture-related products Colorado Springs residents will need to stay stocked up on for as long as they wear dentures.

“Anesthetic gels and ointments are frequently necessary to help patients manage pain and inflammation associated with denture wearing,” says one Colorado Springs cosmetic dentist. “Overnight soaking solutions, storage containers and cleaning agents are others and all of these costs add up to several hundred dollars every year.”

But there is a problem worse than constantly spending money on adhesive strips, anesthetic gels and overnight soaking solutions… it’s the need to buy a complete set of new dentures every few years.

Removable Dentures and Jaw Bone Loss

“Bone tissue, just like the muscles in your body, will atrophy if it isn’t stimulated or exercised,” explains a Colorado Springs cosmetic dentist. “By channeling the eating forces into the jaw bone, the tooth roots perform this very essential function, as do dental implants, which function like tooth roots. Dentures, however, only replace the tooth crowns, so denture wearers typically experience atrophication of the jawbone over time, which is the major driver behind denture problems.”

Initially a set of new dentures will fit quite well, but over time and as the bulk of the jawbone disintegrates, they will become increasingly loose fitting and uncomfortable. Eventually – usually every few years or so – you will need to see your dentist to have a new set of dentures custom-made for you and this is a cost you will have to cover repeatedly.

Dental implants, on the other hand, are typically a one-time expense and in Part 3, we’ll fully investigate why!

Stay Tuned for Part 3

To find out how dental implants - a far more sophisticated teeth replacement solution - can work out to be less expensive than removable dentures, stay tuned for the final installment of this three-part article series.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Dental Implants Cheaper Than Dentures? Colorado Springs Dentists Explain How! PART 1

In this three-part article series, experienced dentists explain how the once-off cost of dental implants works out to be less expensive than the accrued cost of wearing dentures for many years.

Anyone who has looked into the cost of teeth replacement will know that dental implants lie at the higher end of the cost spectrum, while dentures would seem to be the least expensive. What few Colorado Springs residents could ever imagine is that, in the long term, dentures could very well end up costing patients more… much more, not only financially, but in terms of quality of life too!

In this three-part article series, Colorado Springs dentists will explain to us how dental implants differ from traditional removable dentures in their ability to provide patients with a new set of teeth and just how it is the latter could readily work out to be more expensive than implants in the long run.

Aren’t Dental Implants Ridiculously Expensive?

One of the most damaging misconceptions there are about dental implants is that they are prohibitively expensive and that only the more affluent of patients can afford them. As such, the remaining majority of those who has been diagnosed with a failing or terminal dentition, usually as a result of gum disease, would appear to be doomed to a life of wearing removable dentures, which are the cheaper alternative.

“The truth of the matter is that with a little research and investigation, you’ll find that the cost of implants makes perfect sense and that, given what you’re getting for your dollar, it’s totally worth it. The money you spend on replacing a set of failing, decayed teeth with implants is a very important investment, not only in your oral health and general health, but also in your quality of life. Unfortunately, too many patients discover just how much they’ve short-changed themselves after they’ve had dentures fitted.” explains a Colorado Springs dental implant surgeon.

Is Cost Really the Most Important Consideration?

In addition to the misconception that dental implants are prohibitively expensive, many Colorado Springs residents erroneously prioritize cost over any other consideration and would sooner live with uncomfortable teeth than spend the money on a more sophisticated teeth replacement solution. The combination of these two trends has landed tens of thousands of Americans in a very difficult and expensive situation!

“You cannot possibly understand how miserable your life can become until you’ve lost all of your natural teeth and are forced to live with the daily challenges of wearing dentures,” says one Colorado Springs dentist. “Few patients can, which is why they choose dentures over the far more modern teeth replacement technologies and techniques we offer. They then, unfortunately, live to regret this pivotal decision.”

What we’re going to do in this four-part article series is first examine the principle differences (and cost differences) between dental implants and removable dentures. In doing so, we shall explain how the costs involved in having dentures fitted can end up being quite exorbitant over the years. We shall then do the same for dental implants – exposing the costs involved and how it is they are typically a one-time investment.

By comparing the two it is hoped that more Colorado Springs patients will make the smarter teeth replacement decision, thereby allowing them to (1) save money and (2) maintain an excellent quality of life.

Stay Tuned for Part 2

To find out how dental implants - a far more sophisticated teeth replacement solution - can work out to be less expensive than removable dentures, stay tuned for the second installment of this three-part article series.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Everything You Wanted to Know About Dental Implants: A Cosmetic Dentist in Colorado Springs Addresses Your FAQ, PART 4

This four-part article series provides the answers to the common questions and concerns dental implant patients have about this advanced tooth replacement technology.

Welcome to the third installment of this four-part FAQ guide to teeth replacement using dental implants! Previously, in Part 3, an experienced cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs answered questions regarding the length of dental implant treatment involved, as well as whether procedures are as painful as they are unfairly rumored to be (they’re not.)

Now, let’s take a look at some of your final frequently asked questions…

Question: Am I a candidate for dental implants?

Cosmetic Dentist Colorado Springs
Answer: “Most patients who require a tooth, several teeth or even all of their teeth replaced are candidates for dental implants. Advancements in surgical protocols and techniques mean that nearly everyone can be considered for dental implant treatment. There are only a very few exceptional cases where the loss of bone volume in the jaw has been too extensive, or the patient presents with certain illnesses (such as blood clotting disorders, heart disease, respiratory disease or bone diseases) for which implant surgery would be considered ineffective or too dangerous.

“Your dentist will consider your full medical history and deduce from X-rays and other examinations whether you are a candidate for implants,” explains the Colorado Springs dental implant surgeon. “If necessary, he or she will speak directly with your medical doctor to determine if surgery is a safe option for you. As I explained, most people who need new teeth are candidates, even if they have been previously told by other dentists that they are not.”

Question: How quickly can I get booked in for my procedure?

Answer: “There is a procedure to follow, so don’t expect to get your new teeth at your first dental appointment! First you will need to set up a consultation with a dental implant surgeon. Then you may require one or more treatment planning sessions, during which he or she will study your case, take X-rays and photos and perform examinations. Then a date for the actual procedure will be set. The great news is, most patients can get their dental implants and their new teeth placed on the same day, meaning you’ll walk out of the dentist’s with a beautiful new set of non-removable teeth,” says the cosmetic dentist.

Question: How long will recovery take?

Colorado Springs Dental Implants
Answer: “You should plan to stay home from work and just take it easy for a week after your procedure, if you’ve had full mouth reconstruction. If you’ve just had one or two teeth replaced, you can go to work the very next day, provided you’re up for it! Full recovery is a process that takes months, but you won’t really know about it because all the “recovery” will be happening beneath the gum line.

“The gums heal within a few weeks, but it’s in the months following your surgery that the jawbone will healing around and bonding to the implant. You should, however, be right as rain within days of your procedure – just make sure to take your medications as prescribed, stay away from strenuous activity and follow the diet recommended to you by your surgeon,” says the Colorado Springs cosmetic dentist.

Monday, 1 June 2015

Everything You Wanted to Know About Dental Implants: A Dentist in Colorado Springs Addresses Your FAQ, PART 3

Welcome to the third installment of this four-part FAQ guide to teeth replacement using dental implants! Previously, in Part 2, an experienced dentist in Colorado Springs tackled questions of cost and why dental implants are worth the additional investment. This is especially true when one considers the capabilities of traditional removable dentures, which cannot compare with the functionality, aesthetics and quality of life made possible by dental implants.

Now, let’s move on to some questions on what Colorado Springs residents can expect from the actual implants procedure…

Question: Dental implants have a reputation for being very painful. Is this true?

Answer: “That’s unfortunate because it’s a misconception that keeps many people from the best possible treatment available for missing teeth! First of all, you won’t feel a thing during the procedure because your gums will be numbed and you will be sedated,” explains a Colorado Spring dental implant surgeon. “Secondly, recovery is hardly an ordeal because you will have prescription painkillers to help manage discomfort and swelling. Most patients return to work a few days after surgery and almost all of them report experiencing very little pain at all.

“One thing that’s important to bear in mind about dental implant surgery is that the entire field is constantly being turned on its head. Every day, esteemed scientists and clinicians work on newer, less invasive and more efficient techniques that can achieve better, less painful, more efficient outcomes. Nowadays, we can literally give patients new teeth in a day with minimal recovery. Instead of getting your information about dental implants from a friend of a friend of a friend, speak to your dentist.”

Question: You mentioned “new teeth in one day.” How long did it used to take to get new teeth with dental implants?

Answer: “Older dental implant techniques could take as long as 18 months to provide patients with a complete set of new teeth,” explains the Colorado Springs dentist. “That’s because, typically, the surgeon would have to perform a bone grafting procedure before implants could even be placed.

“Oftentimes, patients who have been living with dentures and without natural teeth for many years will present with atrophied jawbones. In order to provide sufficient support for implants, bone tissue would need to be grafted onto the jawbone. This would then take a few months to heal and only then would the patient begin the journey to getting new teeth.

Nowadays, we have a sophisticated dental implant technique called the “All-on-4,” (see image below) which makes it possible for us to give patients a complete set of new teeth without the need for bone grafting, in most cases. This saves the patients many months of time and of course the expense of such a procedure. Nowadays, dental implant surgeons in Colorado Springs can give patients new teeth in one day and with one surgical appointment!”

Image Source:

Stay Tuned for Part 4

Stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series to read a few last answers to your frequently asked questions about dental implants.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Everything You Wanted to Know About Dental Implants: A Cosmetic Dentist in Pueblo CO Addresses Your FAQ, PART 2

Welcome to the second installment of this four-part FAQ guide to teeth replacement using dental implants! Previously, in Part 1, an experienced cosmetic dentist in Pueblo CO provided the insightful answers to our initial questions, which included an explanation of what dental implants are and how the cost of implant surgery is determined.

Now, let’s move on to some questions on how dental implants compare with traditional teeth replacement technology…

Question: Oftentimes, it’s the cost of a service that determines whether or not consumers choose it. Do you find patients opting for cheaper technologies over dental implants even though it is clear that implants are superior? dentures in a water glass, symbolic photo for dentures and care

Answer: “To correct you, it’s actually not clear to most of our patients that implants are superior,” explains the cosmetic dentist. “The Pueblo residents we treat come to us knowing very little about why they are experiencing tooth loss in the first place and what treatment options they have to correct it. And so we explain to them that they could have a denture fitted or they could have dental implants done. Unfortunately, patients tend to tune out the very long list of implant benefits we provide and focus only on the cost difference. Naturally a few hundred dollars sounds far better than a few thousand.

“What’s especially sad is that these same patients will come back in our office every year complaining about the increasing pain, discomfort and difficulty caused by wearing dentures and there’s really very little we can do about it if they’re unwilling to foot the bill for a more sophisticated dental solution. These concerns didn’t matter at the beginning of treatment, because these patients were just so relieved to have a set of teeth that looked healthy. Now, however, they are faced with the reality of denture-wearing… and it’s not pretty.”

Question: Why are dentures so problematic? Closeup portrait, elderly business woman with tooth ache, crown problem, cavity pain, touching outside mouth with hand, isolated white background. Negative human emotion facial expression feeling

Answer: “Two reasons: they don’t replace the roots of the teeth and as a result, the underlying jawbone actually begins to atrophy and waste away, because it’s not getting any functional stimulation. This causes the bite to weaken and the maxillofacial region to develop that sunk-in appearance typically associated with denture wearing.

“The next reason is that dentures rely on their bulkiness and the underlying gums to remain stabilized in the mouth. Their bulk causes unnatural smile aesthetics by stretching the lips and they’re very uncomfortable to eat with – some patients complain that their dentures make them gag. Additionally, the fact that dentures push down on and rub against the gums causes incessant pain and discomfort, so much so, that it can lead to malnutrition,” says the Pueblo dentist.

Question: So, dental implants are the industry recommendation for a very good reason?

Answer: “Absolutely! Wearing dentures can totally wreck your quality of life, as well as shorten your life expectancy by 10 years due to lack of proper nutrition and depression.”

Stay Tuned for Part 3

Stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series to read the answers to more of your frequently asked questions about dental implants.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Everything You Wanted to Know About Dental Implants: A Dentist in Pueblo CO Addresses Your FAQ - 1

This four-part article series provides the answers to the common questions and concerns dental implant patients have about this advanced tooth replacement technology. Have you been told by your dentist that you will likely need to have one or more of your teeth replaced? Or have you wanted to replace a missing tooth for months or years but have felt too “in the dark” about your options? Well, you’re in the right place if you want to learn more about dental implants! In this four-part article series, an experienced dentist in Pueblo CO will be answering every FAQ we could get our hands on so that you can march into your dentist’s office equipped with the knowledge to make the smartest tooth replacement decision possible. Let’s get started with a look at exactly what dental implants are… FAQ: What are dental implants?
Answer: “Dental implants are essentially titanium tooth roots,” explains the Pueblo dental implant surgeon. “They are inserted in the jawbone where your natural tooth root used to be and they provide very strong and stable support for an artificial replacement tooth.” FAQ: What prevents the implant from falling out? Answer: “Dental implants are constructed from titanium metal, which is very strong, lightweight, non-corrosive and bio-compatible. What happens in the weeks and months following your procedure is that your jawbone actually bonds or knits to the surface of the implant as if it were a part of your body. This healing process is called osseointegration and it’s what enables dental implants to function as non-removable replacement teeth!” FAQ: How many teeth can I have replaced with dental implants? Answer: “You can have one tooth replaced or you can have ALL of your teeth replaced with dental implants,” says the Pueblo CO dental implant dentist. “That’s the great thing about implants – they are incredibly versatile in the variety of tooth loss cases they can treat.” FAQ: I heard that just one dental implant costs thousands of dollars. If that’s the case, won’t it be hugely expensive replacing all of my teeth? Answer: “We don’t use 28 dental implants for full mouth reconstruction! That wouldn’t be possible and the risk of complication and infection would be too great, not to mention the enormous expense to the patient. No, if you require a complete set of new teeth, we only need four dental implants per jaw to support a custom-built prosthetic dental bridge. This non-removable bridge will look and function like a complete set of natural teeth and so the expense is a fraction of what you’d expect it to be.”
FAQ: Why is dental implant surgery so expensive? Answer: “In short, the resources, hardware, time, treatment planning and expertise that goes into providing you with new teeth is all costly, so that is reflected by the cost of getting new teeth. But, I don’t think that’s the real issue here,” says the Pueblo dental implant surgeon. “The REAL question is: why are dental implants more expensive than dentures or dental bridges? The answer to that question is simple… dental implants are the closest thing to having natural teeth again as is possible. Their function, aesthetics and benefits are far superior to those offered by the alternative technologies and they can also last a lifetime if cared for properly. Dental implants are worth the investment, purely because they support a much higher quality of life and self-esteem.” Stay Tuned for Part 2 Stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series to read the answers to more of your frequently asked questions about dental implants

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Cosmetic Dentistry for Pueblo CO: Your FAQs on Teeth Whitening Answered! PART 4

This four-part article series provides a comprehensive overview of in-office teeth whitening as a fantastic cosmetic solution to stained and discolored teeth.

Welcome to the third installment of this four-part FAQ guide to teeth whitening and the advice cosmetic dentists have for Pueblo CO residents whose teeth have become slightly discolored, stained and dulled over the years. Previously, in Part 3, the technique used to professionally whiten teeth was explained, as well as the possible side effect, which is most commonly tooth sensitivity.

Let’s now take a look at the answers to just a few of your remaining questions about this cosmetic dental treatment…

Question: How long do the outcomes of a professional treatment last?

Answer: “This really depends on your diet and whether or not you’re a smoker. If you tend to consume a lot of dark beverages and foods, such as coffee, tea, soda and red wine, then you’ll probably notice your teeth becoming duller after a year or more. If you’re a smoker, the same will likely apply. If, however, you avoid dark foods and beverages as much as possible, don’t smoke and clean your teeth regularly, then the outcomes of your treatment could last seven years and longer! We also advise patients to keep up a maintenance program to ensure that their outcomes last as long as possible.”

Question: What can I do to prolong the outcomes of my professional teeth whitening treatment?

Answer: “Once your teeth have been whitened, there’s nothing preventing them from becoming stained or discolored again,” explains a cosmetic dentist in Pueblo CO. “So, it’s really up to you to make sure you prevent this from happening in order to prolong the beautiful outcomes of your treatment. We generally recommend that patients avoid tobacco-use and beverages that contain pigments, tannins and colorants, as this is probably how your teeth became stained in the first place.

Another crucial component of keeping your teeth beautiful and white is good home oral hygiene and routine visits with the dentist and oral hygienist. If you look after your teeth, they’ll remain beautiful for life. And the occasional professional teeth whitening treatment can help you retain that Hollywood smile.”

Question: What would be your final word of advice to the Pueblo CO residents reading this article?

Answer: “Good oral hygiene is key! Everyone comes to the cosmetic dentist looking for smile improvement; everyone wants a gorgeous and confident smile, but what few Pueblo CO residents realize is – in most cases – just how easy this is to do at home. By brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing every night and maintaining a healthy lifestyle (which means eating healthy food and NOT smoking) you can keep your teeth and gums in beautiful lifelong condition.

You don’t necessarily need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on cosmetic dental treatment if you take the time to care for your pearly whites. If, however, you do find yourself unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, we are here to help you achieve smile perfection. So, the take-home message is that smile beauty through good oral health is the way to go,” say teeth whitening experts in Pueblo CO.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Teeth Whitening for Pueblo CO: Your FAQs Answered! PART 3

This four-part article series provides a comprehensive overview of in-office teeth whitening as a fantastic cosmetic solution to stained and discolored teeth.

Welcome to the third installment of this four-part FAQ guide to teeth whitening for Pueblo CO residents whose teeth have become slightly stained, discolored and dulled over the years. Previously, in Part 2, we looked into the difference between professional whitening treatments and over-the-counter products, the former of which is able to deliver far more effective and immediate outcomes, while the latter is good for maintenance.

Our team of cosmetic dentists also explained that the bleaching agent in professional whitening kits does not work with the inorganic compounds used to fabricate veneers, artificial crowns, fillings and bridges. This is why it’s best to have your teeth professionally whitened prior to having any restorative work done.

Let’s continue exploring the capabilities, methods and benefits of this treatment…

Question: What method is used by cosmetic dentists in Pueblo CO to professionally whiten teeth?

Answer: “Many cosmetic dentists make use of a bleaching gel, which you squeeze out into a custom-designed mouth tray before inserting it into your mouth and pressing it against your teeth. We create this tray – or retainer – from molds we take of your teeth during a routine examination. Once your mouth tray has been made, you come to the office to collect it and you can begin your treatment from the comfort of your home.

We typically recommend that patients wear their mouth trays (lined with the bleaching gel) for an hour or two every day,” explain teeth whitening dentists in Pueblo CO. “The length of treatment time depends on the individual patient, so this will be explained to you during your appointment; however, most people will undergo treatment for two weeks or until they have achieved the desired whiteness.

Once the initial desired results have been achieved, you should wear your tray every so often – perhaps once a month or as recommended to you by the dentist – to maintain your beautiful new smile.”

Question: What if I’m still not happy with the color of my teeth after the recommended treatment time?

Answer: “It’s very important that you don’t mess around with the treatment times and dosage recommendations,” warn teeth whitening experts in Pueblo CO. “Overexposure to the bleaching agent in the gel could do damage to your gums and teeth. If you still feel that your teeth aren’t white enough after treatment, give your dentist a call and find out what he or she recommends. Remember, hydrogen peroxide – the bleaching agent - is a very strong alkaline and strong alkaline can do the same kind of damage strong acids do.”

Question: Are there any side effects of a standard teeth whitening treatment?

Answer: “The most common side effect of teeth whitening is tooth sensitivity. In most cases, it’s not problematic, but some patients do report feeling a little uncomfortable. If this happens, call your dentist and see what he or she recommends. Tooth sensitivity can always be managed with special toothpastes, such as Sensodyne, but if your teeth respond unnaturally to treatment, may require re-evaluation.”

Stay Tuned for Part 4

To read the answers to a few last questions about professional teeth whitening treatments, stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series (coming next week).

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Cosmetic Dentistry for Colorado Springs: Your FAQs on Teeth Whitening Answered! PART 2

This four-part article series provides a comprehensive overview of in-office teeth whitening as a fantastic cosmetic solution to stained and discolored teeth.

Welcome to the second installment of this four-part FAQ guide to teeth whitening: a wonderful cosmetic dentistry treatment for Colorado Springs residents whose teeth have become slightly stained, discolored and dulled over the years. Previously, in Part 1, we established that teeth whitening is suitable for patients who are essentially in good oral health and who wish to eliminate the appearance of surface staining, as opposed to the deep discoloration caused by decay and a neglect for oral hygiene.

Let’s continue exploring the capabilities, methods and benefits of this treatment…

Question: There seem to be a lot of over-the-counter teeth whitening products on the market. How do these compare with the kind of professional treatment you’d receive from a cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs?

Answer: “The answer is quite simple. Cosmetic dentists are trained medical professionals and so, we are legally allowed to use teeth whitening kits with a greater concentration of the active whitening agent, which is typically the bleach hydrogen peroxide. This agent is a very strong alkaline, which can do the same kind of damage to your body as a strong acid. And so, the prescription of professional teeth whitening products by a qualified dentist is legally necessary.

The benefits of undergoing a supervised professional treatment is that a greater concentration of bleaching agent delivers more immediate results and a far more effective treatment. The beautiful outcomes simply cannot be compared to that of over-the-counter products, which can take weeks and months to show and even then aren’t all that impressive.”

Question: Who might benefit from over-the-counter treatments in that case? Surely they must work to an extent?

Answer: “Oh yes, they do work,” say teeth whitening experts in Colorado Springs. “These over-the-counter products can lighten the shade of your enamel, but we often encourage the patients who have just had their teeth professionally whitened to invest in them as a part of their maintenance program. Whitening toothpastes, flosses and mouthwashes are excellent for preserving the outcomes of professional treatment, especially if you love your coffee, tea and red wine. However, if you’re after fast, highly effective treatment, a cosmetic dentist is the way to go.”

Question: How does teeth whitening actually work?

Answer: “The kits we use contain the bleach hydrogen peroxide, which actually lightens the shade of your dental enamel,” explain cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs. “Through doing this, it eliminates the appearance of staining and discoloration. The action is somewhat similar to adding regular bleach to your white laundry.

What we have to warn patients about is the fact that this bleach doesn’t work on inorganic compounds, such as porcelain and ceramic. These materials are used to restore teeth, so if you’ve had porcelain veneers, ceramic crowns, bridges or fillings done, you must understand that the whitening treatment won’t have any effect on these surfaces. You might want to consider having your teeth whitened before having restorative work done, so that your new teeth match the beautiful white color of your healthy teeth.”

Stay Tuned for Part 3

To read the answers to more of your frequently asked questions about professional teeth whitening treatments, stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series (coming next week).

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Teeth Whitening for Colorado Springs: Your FAQs Answered! PART 1

This four-part article series provides a comprehensive overview of in-office teeth whitening as a fantastic cosmetic solution to stained and discolored teeth.

If you’re one of Colorado Springs’ many residents who are interested in undergoing teeth whitening treatment, this is a must-read for you! In this four-part article series, we shall be asking a team of cosmetic dentists all the questions we could think of concerning this vastly popular aesthetic dental treatment. Their answers could guide you on your journey to a more beautiful and glitteringly white smile!

Question: Who is the ideal candidate for teeth whitening?

Answer: “As long as you’re in good oral health, almost anyone can get their teeth whitened, which is one of the great features of this treatment,” explain cosmetic dentists in Colorado Springs. “If your teeth have become a little stained or dulled over the years as a result of the foods and beverages you consume, a professional bleaching treatment can totally change the appearance of your smile. Even smokers can have the evidence of their habit reversed somewhat, however, the effects aren’t permanent. If you continue to smoke or drink a lot of coffee, the enamel of your teeth will become stained and darkened again.”

Question: Are there cases of advanced staining that a professional teeth whitening treatment cannot address?

Answer: “Yes there are. In advanced cases where the stains have penetrated deeply into the dental enamel, or the enamel has become discolored right through, we may recommend porcelain veneers as a more effective treatment,” say teeth whitening experts in Colorado Springs. “The bleach contained by the whitening products dentists use only lightens the appearance of surface staining, so anything else would firstly require diagnosis and then possibly a different course of action.”

Question: So are you saying that discoloration caused by, for example, tooth decay cannot be reversed by a professional teeth whitening treatment?

Answer: “Yes. Many people take a look at their teeth in the mirror and think that a teeth whitening treatment will improve their smiles, which should be the case. But, this train of thought becomes hugely problematic when the issue causing discoloration is internal decay or build-up of yellowish-white plaque and tartar. If you don’t maintain proper dental hygiene at home, the appearance of your smile will suffer and you will likely require a professional teeth cleaning and treatment for decay and cavities before you can be considered a candidate for teeth bleaching.

The very best way to maintain a beautiful white smile is simply to brush and floss your teeth regularly! But, if your teeth have become dulled or discolored because you enjoy your coffee or you were simply genetically gifted with darker, more yellow dental enamel, then a professional teeth whitening treatment could be an excellent solution.”

Stay Tuned for Part 2

It would seem we’ve arrived at the first very important lesson concerning cosmetic dental treatment, which is the importance of good oral health and hygiene. No teeth whitening dentist in Colorado Springs is going to perform a cosmetic procedure on a decayed, unhealthy smile without first eliminating signs of decay and infection.

To read the answers to more of your frequently asked questions about professional teeth whitening treatments, stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series (coming next week).

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Colorado Springs Dentists Get Candid About Dental Implant Technology, PART 4

In this four-part article series, we speak to an experienced Colorado Springs dentist about dental implants, what they are, how they work and what patients can expect from getting them.

Welcome to the final installment of this four-part article series in which we speak to experienced Colorado Springs dentists as a comprehensive solution to missing teeth. Previously, in Part 3, we discussed what patients could typically expect from having dental implants placed. It was also revealed that most procedures seldom take more than one dental appointment and that, in spite of its unfair reputation, implant surgery doesn’t usually leave patients in that much pain!

No more than a straightforward tooth extraction might,” adds the dentist.

This is the final installment, so let’s wrap up this series by taking a closer look at the more complex dental implant procedures designed to provide patients with a brand new set of teeth.

Can you tell us a little more about the dental implant procedure you might use to give someone a complete set of new teeth?

Colorado Springs Dental Implant Dentists: “At our practice, we like to make use of the “All-on-4” dental implant technique, which, as the name pretty much says, only requires four dental implants to provide patients with a complete set of new teeth. This procedure is considered revolutionary because it overcame many of the problems faced by traditional implant techniques. These achievements enable us to provide patients with beautiful, new, non-removable teeth in just one day with a single surgery, in almost all cases.”

What kinds of problems did these traditional dental implant techniques face?

Colorado Springs Dentists: “First of all, they would often require up to 10 dental implants per jaw in order to give patients a new set of teeth. That works out to be incredibly expensive, especially if you require new teeth in both your upper AND lower jaw. In order to place this many implants, dentists would be forced to break the procedure down into a series of more manageable surgeries and recovery periods. So, patients would be looking at spending up to 18 months in and out of the dental clinic while they gradually receive treatment. Finally, these more traditional techniques frequently required patients to first undergo bone-grafting surgery, owing to the volume of jawbone these patients had lost as a consequence of atrophy.

When you add together all of the costs of surgery, the number of dental implants and the possible need for bone grafting, it becomes appreciable just why so many patients chose to have dentures placed instead of implants. The journey to fixed oral rehabilitation was just too long, too painful and too expensive.”

And that’s all changed with the “All-on-4”?

Colorado Springs Dental Implant Dentists: “Thankfully yes! The All-on-4 only requires four dental implants per jaw, which can quite easily be done in a single surgery. Also, owing to the careful and strategic planning of this procedure, we can provide most patients with new teeth without the need for painful bone grafting surgery. This means new teeth in one day and at a cost that is tens of thousands of dollars less.”

So the “All-on-4” is the modern standard of treatment for patients who need a full set of teeth?

Colorado Springs Dentists: “We certainly think so, as do most dentists across the country. The outcomes of the All-on-4 are fantastic and we have no shortage of patients who are utterly ecstatic with their new teeth, which look, feel and function just like a complete set of natural teeth.”