This article provides tips on how to adjust to wearing removable dentures. It describes the possible problems faced by new denture wearers, as well as the solutions to these problems.
Missing teeth can be a very frustrating reality; stopping you from living your life to the fullest. Although there are multiple options for teeth replacement, some of them tend to be in a higher price range. One of the more affordable options for Colorado Springs residents are dentures. Although many dentists are starting to favor dental implants over full or partial dentures, there are ways of making your dentures work for now. Here are a few tips to help Colorado Springs residents adjust to their new dentures:
As with all changes in life, it takes a little time to adjust, so be patient. At first, your dentures (whether full or partial) will feel uncomfortable. But, the longer you wear them the more you will become accustomed to them.
When visiting your Colorado Springs dentist to collect your new set of dentures, he will provide you with the exact details about how long you should wear them, how you should clean and maintain them and when to remove them (usually at night).
Number 1: Time
As with all changes in life, it takes a little time to adjust, so be patient. At first, your dentures (whether full or partial) will feel uncomfortable. But, the longer you wear them the more you will become accustomed to them.
When visiting your Colorado Springs dentist to collect your new set of dentures, he will provide you with the exact details about how long you should wear them, how you should clean and maintain them and when to remove them (usually at night).
Number 2: Eating

Until you have become fully accustomed to your new dentures, you will experience a little difficultly while eating. During this transitory phase, try eating soft foods that are cut up into small pieces rather than foods that are hard, crunchy, chewy or sticky.
Make sure that you chew on both sides of your mouth in order to balance the dentures, applying equal pressure to both sides. Over time the eating process will become easier, but for the first while take little bites and take your time.
Number 3: Speaking
Teeth play an important role in speech. When speaking to Colorado Springs residents about adjusting to their new affordable dentures in Colorado Springs, it was highlighted that it was difficult to pronounce certain letters or words.
One way to speed up the speech process is through practice. For example, read out loud and identify the words you have difficulty pronouncing. If you repeat these words over and over, in no time at all you will find clarity in your speech.
Number 4: Cleaning
As with your natural teeth, you will need to clean your dentures after meals. Your Colorado Springs dentist, who gave you your dentures, will also advise you on an effective denture cleaner and denture brush.
When brushing your dentures, place a little water in the basin. This is to make sure that your dentures will not break if you accidently drop them in the basin. It is also important that you get your dentures professionally cleaned every once in a while.
Number 5: Adhesives

Although it is not recommended for continuous use, denture adhesives can help when you are adjusting to your new dentures. These sticky strips can be applied to the clean surface of your dentures and essentially helps to prevent them from moving around too much, keeping them stabilized in your mouth.
There are a variety of anesthetic creams for sore gums and adhesives strips available, so speak to your Colorado Springs dentist about your dentures, so they can suggest a recommended brand for you.
A Great Affordable Smile!
With time, your dentures from Colorado Springs will feel more natural and will enable you to eat and smile with confidence. Having said this, you may want to consider a more permanent, non-removable solution, such as dental implants. These can be used to help keep your denture or a fixed bridge permanently in place, providing you with a far more comfortable, functional and natural looking smile.
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