Monday, 26 August 2013

The Colorado Springs Family Dentist Tell Us 8 Fascinating Facts About the Germs That Live in Your Mouth! PART 3

This four-part article series presents some pretty interesting and, at times, disturbing facts about the tiny critters that call your mouth “home”!

Welcome back to our four-part article series on the tiny critters that live in your mouth and the various risks they come with. In our previous article post, we spoke to a Colorado Springs family dentist who revealed that (1) contrary to popular opinion; a dog’s mouth is no cleaner than yours, so remember that the next time you let your pooch lick you all over your face. (2) There really is no such thing as the “five second rule”. If you drop food on the floor, it’s going to pick up bacteria. This might not be such a bad thing if the floor in question is your living room, but the streets outside? Just walk away from that burrito, buddy. Let it go.

In this, the third installment of our four-part article series, we shall be looking at two more interesting facts, starting with...

Fascinating Fact # 5

Gum disease isn't actually contagious

Colorado Springs Dentist

And isn’t that a relief considering that creepy uncle of yours who loves to plant big wet ones on your face? You know... the one with the dodgy teeth and permanently bad breath?

“Periodontitis, or gum disease, is a chronic bacterial infection of the gums,” explains the Colorado Springs family dentist. “It begins as gingivitis, which is usually a result of poor oral hygiene and habits such as smoking. Left untreated, bacteria work their way deep down into the tiny spaces between your teeth and your gums, forming pockets that gradually fill with their expanding populations and wastes. This naturally irritates the gums, causing them to become red, inflamed, swollen and infected.”

While the germs that cause gum disease can be passed between you and someone else, the disease itself requires a strict dedication to NOT looking after your teeth and gums to develop. If you keep your mouth healthy with regular brushing and flossing and seek regular professional attention from your Colorado Springs dentist and oral hygienist, your uncle’s ardor should not cause any problems for you. Well, other than the obvious.

Fascinating Fact # 6

Colorado Springs Family Dentist

You’ve had a late night and ended up staying over at a friend’s house. Is it safe to use their toothbrush? According to the Centers for Disease Control, it isn’t!

Sharing a toothbrush with someone encourages an exchange of bodily fluids and bacteria that can increase your risk of infection.

Having said that, brushing your teeth after a night of eating and drinking - even if it is someone else’s toothbrush - can be seen as the lesser of two evils. Unless, they’ve recently suffered from a serious viral infection, in which case your finger and a blob of toothpaste will have to do.

“It’s not only toothbrushes that can increase your risk of getting sick from someone else,” says the Colorado Springs family dentist. “Research indicates that drinking glasses, lipsticks, lip balm and band instruments are also great transmitters of bacteria. If you want to avoid contracting viruses, bacteria and other potentially dangerous pathogens from other people, don’t share personal items with them.”

Stay Tuned for Part 4

To read more fascinating facts about the health of your teeth and gums, stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series, courtesy of Colorado Springs dentist!

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