Thursday, 30 July 2015

Orthodontists in Colorado Springs Reveal That The Beverages We Drink Are Literally Killing Our Teeth!

According to many studies, soft drinks, sodas, juices and sports energy drinks are doing extensive acid erosion to our teeth, as well as encouraging decay; more so than any other culprit known to damage our teeth.

If asked what the worst culprit behind tooth decay is, most Colorado Springs residents will report “sugary foods.” While you may be partially right in saying this, a recent scientific study that appeared in the Journal of Public Health Dentistry reveals that, in actuality, soft drinks – such as Coca Cola, Mountain Dew, Fanta, Sprite and other sweet carbonated beverages – are the greatest culprits behind advanced dental erosion and tooth decay in Colorado Springs.

The Results of the Study on Popular Beverages and Our Teeth

Orthodontist Colorado Springs
According to this study of 3,773 participants, almost 80% presented with some degree of dental erosion (a thinning of the enamel covering their teeth), while 15% showed moderate to severe dental erosion. The latter group reported consuming more juice and soft drinks than those with mild tooth wear. Milk was quite popular drink among those with only mild dental erosion.

What does this all mean?

“Sodas, soft drinks, fruit juices and sports energy drinks all have a devastating impact upon your dental health if you do not consume them in moderation,” says one orthodontist in Colorado Springs. “Even patients who have one drink per day will eventually start showing signs of acid erosion, so you can imagine the state of someone’s teeth who consumes gallons of soda per day, which is not uncommon here in America.”

Fruit Juice is a Problem, Too?

All right, so soft drinks are a given. We know that they are packed with sugar, but why is fruit juice lumped in the same category as all those other unhealthy beverages? Surely fruit juice is good for you?

“Fruit juice may be good for your body – especially if unsweetened – but the juice itself is highly acidic and constantly sipping on it will repeatedly expose your dental enamel to an acid bath,” explains the Colorado Springs dentist. “Acid softens the enamel, which leaves it more vulnerable to erosion. Therefore, the more frequently you consume sodas and fruit juices, the more damage you stand to do to your teeth.

“It’s not just sugar that’s a problem… it’s the acidity.”

How Do I Know Whether I Have Dental Erosion?

When the dental enamel covering your teeth thins and becomes worn away, it leaves the underlying dentine more vulnerable and exposed to factors, such as extremes in temperature. This can make eating hot or cold foods and beverages quite uncomfortable; so one indicator of acid erosion is tooth sensitivity.

The best way to tell whether you have a problem or not is to see your dentist and, if necessary, have some restorative work done on your teeth to ensure that there are no breaches in their defense (enamel),” says an orthodontist in Colorado Springs.

A Final Note

Colorado Springs dentist
The results of this study just add to the seemingly unending literature available on the harmful nature of the beverages we consume by the pool-full here in Colorado Springs. Sure, on a hot day an ice-cold soft drink is more than welcome, but we – as a nation – need to stop viewing sweet beverages as thirst-quenchers and we need to combat this addiction from adolescence.

“Milk and water and occasionally some fruit juice are good for you,” say Colorado Springs dentists. “But if you want to keep your teeth beautiful and healthy for life, avoid soft drinks for the most part.”

Monday, 13 July 2015

Fun and Interesting Dentistry Facts for Colorado Springs! PART 3

This three-part article series takes a fun yet sometimes serious look at some super interesting facts you probably didn’t know about your teeth and oral healthcare.

Colorado Springs Dentist
# 7: Dentists among the most trusted professionals in America

According to the results of a recent survey, dentists, doctors and nurses are the most trusted professionals in the United States. Who were the least trusted? Not surprisingly, congressmen and lobbyists!

# 8: There are greater inconveniences than a dental appointment…

Time Magazine recently conducted a survey that came through with some pretty interesting results. According to the survey, about 60% of Americans would rather visit the dentist than sit next to someone blabbing away on their cell phone.

“This is quite a heartening statistic,” says one Colorado Spring dentist. “So many people avoid coming in for dental treatment because they suffer from some kind of associated phobia or anxiety. To hear that most people would rather visit the dentist than sit next to someone talking on their cellphone – which, let’s be honest, is a daily occurrence on public transport – is a positive change from the norm. Perhaps we can start expecting to see more and more people coming in for the routine preventative dental healthcare that’s so necessary for great long-term oral health.”

# 9: 75% of Colorado Springs residents suffer from gum disease

Surely not! Yet, according to the Centre for Disease Control, it’s true. The vast majority of, not just Colorado Springs, the American population is in such poor dental health that they have developed some form or stage of gum disease.

“Gum disease is characterized by an advanced bacterial infection of the gums and soft tissues in the mouth,” explains a Colorado Springs dental implant surgeon. “In severe gases, the disease affects the jawbone underlying the gums and can actually deteriorate this hard tissue, as well as the ligaments holding the teeth in place. This is why untreated gum disease is often associated with tooth loss.”

With 75% of the population suffering from gum disease – whether it’s mild gingivitis or severe periodontitis – it’s no surprise that this disease is the predominant cause of tooth loss in patients older than 35.

“The good news is that gum disease is wholly preventable,” says the dental implant dentist. “All you have to do is brush and floss every day and see your dentist for check-ups twice per year. This alone could help you keep your smile in beautiful condition for life.”

# 10: Is your toothbrush kept at a hygienic distance from the toilet?

Colorado Springs Dental Implant Surgeon
This may come as a shock to you, but if your keep your toothbrush within six feet of a toilet it could get covered with what’s known as a “biofilm” of nasty bacteria.

“Every time a toilet flushes, it sends up a fine spray of water, bacteria and unmentionable particles, which settle on all the bathroom surfaces within a radius of about six feet,” says a Colorado Springs dentist. “If your toothbrush is on the sink next to the toilet, you’re at risk of getting sick from this biofilm. Rather keep your toothbrush in an aired cupboard, or if you’re a fan of those protective caps, make sure the ones you buy have small holes in them so that your toothbrush can dry between uses.”

Friday, 10 July 2015

Fun and Interesting Dentistry Facts for Colorado Springs! PART 2

# 4: When last did you replace your toothbrush?

Dentist Colorado Springs
Take a look at your toothbrush… Are the bristles nice and straight? If not, it’s time to throw your toothbrush away and buy a new one!

“Every three months, you should buy yourself a new toothbrush,” say dentists in Colorado Springs. “With use, the bristles can become blunt and frayed and if they’re not sticking out at perfect 90 degree angles, they aren’t doing a good job of cleaning your teeth. We literally have patients whose toothbrushes look more like toilet cleaners, with bristles sticking out in every which direction. What they don’t know is that a frayed toothbrush is horribly ineffective at getting into the cracks and crevasses between your teeth and at cleaning the gum line.”

According to Colorado Springs dentistry professionals, you should also get rid of a toothbrush after a bout of viral infection, such as a cold or flu. The microbes that made you sick in the first place can get trapped in the bristles of your toothbrush and re-infect you after you’ve healed.

# 5: Never use your teeth as tools!

It’s common knowledge that dental enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, but this isn’t license to go ahead and use your teeth for punishing tasks.

“When we treat patients for cracked, chipped or fractured teeth, one of the main explanations for the damage is – I tried to open a bottle with my teeth,” says a Colorado Springs orthodontist. “Using your teeth to pry open containers, twist metal, open bottles and other tasks that aren’t eating and chewing are a no-no! You can very easily crack or chip a tooth using it as a tool.”

A bottle opener costs a few dollars. Dental restoration of a cracked tooth costs a few hundred dollars. You decide which is best.

# 6: How often should you REALLY see your dentist?

Orthodontist Colorado Springs
“Twice per year” is the advice we’ve all come to know, but did you know that this was more of a catchphrase developed by Pepsodent toothpaste? That’s not to say it’s unfounded advice… seeing your dentist and oral hygienist twice per year is a sterling plan and one that could help you keep your smile beautiful and healthy for life.

Having said that, the standard “twice per year” isn’t always applicable…

“Some of my patients have beautiful, healthy teeth. For them, it may be all right to come back for a check-up again in a year’s time, although we do recommend they see the oral hygienist for a cleaning well before then,” says an orthodontist in Colorado Springs. “Then there are patients who have full-blown gum disease and are in the throes of recovering from an advanced bacterial infection of the gums. These patients will certainly need to come in for appointments more than twice per year. We need to thoroughly clean their teeth and keep an eye on their healing progress, so frequent appointments will be necessary.”

At the end of the day, the number of times you visit your dentist per year should come down to what he or she recommendations, but if you haven’t had a check-up in more than a year, now is the time to book!

Stay tuned for a few last dental facts and stories in the final installment of this three-part article series, coming next week!

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Fun and Interesting Dentistry Facts for Pueblo CO! PART 1

This three-part article series takes a fun yet sometimes serious look at some super interesting facts you probably didn’t know about your teeth and oral healthcare.

Dental Implants Pueblo
 # 1: How much spit do you think you produce in a lifetime?

Your mouth will produce about 25,000 quarts of saliva in your lifetime, according to dentists in Pueblo CO, and this is enough to fill two swimming pools.

Kind of gross, isn’t it?

Well, apart from keeping your mouth nice and moist, your saliva plays an integral role in your digestive system and in keeping your teeth and gums healthy, according to Pueblo dental healthcare professionals. Saliva helps you to process and swallow food. It also contains enzymes that break down this food, thereby preparing it for further digestion in the stomach. It also helps to wash away food debris after eating and contains anti-bacterial agents to fight infection.

See? Not so gross after all!

# 2: Your soda addiction could make you lose your teeth

If you like your sweet beverages, listen up: you could be destroying your teeth.

“The sugar in soda, cola, fruit juices and sports energy drinks fuels the growth of oral bacteria in your mouth,” says a Pueblo dentist. “Bacteria produce wastes that are very acidic and full of sulfurous compounds. The latter makes your breath smell bad if you don’t brush frequently enough, while the former causes cavities and the decay of your dental enamel. This is compounded by the fact that most colas, sodas, etc. are very acidic, too. And so, every time you quench your thirst with one of these sweet beverages, you’re encouraging the decay and acid erosion of your teeth.”

The problem is, too many Colorado residents view sweet beverages as a dietary staple, rather than as the occasional treat. There are many who routinely guzzle three and more glasses of soda or juice every day and according to dental implant surgeons in Pueblo, these people present with 62% more decay, tooth loss and cavities than those who don’t!

Dentist Pueblo CO
“Cola is great with a box of popcorn at the movies; a glass of juice with breakfast is invigorating and an energy drink can be greatly refreshing after a heavy workout, but you should not be guzzling these sweet beverages all the time, every day,” says the Pueblo dental implant dentist. “If you’re thirsty, there’s only one thing you should turn to and that’s fresh, cold water. Once you’ve adjusted to the taste of water, you’ll probably find these other drinks far too sweet for you. Also, you’ll feel much healthier!”

# 3: Floss, it would seem, has multiple applications

Flossing is an integral part of your home oral hygiene routine and if you don’t do it every day, you leave your teeth at risk of developing cavities and decay, especially in the small spaces between them. According to Pueblo dental healthcare professionals, NOT flossing leaves about 35% of your dentition’s surfaces unclean. Gross!

In 1994, however, one innovative West Virginia inmate found an alternate use for dental floss that ended up saving his bacon from a life of incarceration. He managed to braid a sufficient length of dental floss to enable him to scale the walls of the prison and make an escape. It just goes to show you: idle hands are the devil’s playground.

Stay tuned for more fun dental facts and stories in Part 2 of this three-part article series, coming next week!