Monday, 30 December 2013

The Cosmetic Dentist in Colorado Springs Talks to Us About Dental Veneers

This article explains what porcelain veneers are and how they work as a cosmetic solution to discolored, chipped, cracked and unaesthetic teeth.

Whatever happened to your pristine white smile? Life, that’s what! A five-a-day coffee habit, a 20-a-day smoking addiction, an accidental toddler swing in the teeth and stress-induced teeth grinding have reduced what used to be a beautiful white smile to a dulled smile you’d rather hide behind your lips. Whether all of your teeth have sustained abuse, or just one has become chipped, cracked or discolored, there is a fantastic solution offered by the cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs and it comes in the form of dental veneers.

What is a Dental Veneer?

Tooth Whitening treatment Veneers are ceramic restorations that are mounted on the outward-facing surface of a tooth. They are used to:
  • Cover up the appearance of deep staining that a professional cleaning or tooth whitening treatment cannot remove. Certain conditions, such as fluorosis, which causes white spots on the teeth, can also be covered up with Colorado Springs veneers.
  • Cover up the appearance of cracks, chips and other imperfections in the tooth structure. Dental veneers can also be custom fabricated to replace the bits of tooth structure that may have gotten chipped off.
  • Remove large gaps between teeth. Madonna may have made tooth gaps sexy, but they just don’t work for everyone. Porcelain veneers with additional peripheral bulk can be mounted on the teeth to fill the visible gaps between them.

“Dental veneers may be regarded as a cosmetic treatment, but by covering up cracks and chips in the tooth structure, they help to reinforce the tooth and protect it against infiltration by oral bacteria,” explains the cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs. “For this reason, veneers are not just important for smile restoration; they’re also useful for the maintenance of good oral health.”

What’s the Procedure Used to Place Dental Veneers?

Dental Veneers
During your appointment with the cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs, the outer face/s of the tooth or teeth requiring restoration will be gently filed and texturized. This is to accommodate the thickness of the veneer as well as provide the veneer with good traction. The dental veneer will have been custom made from molds taken of your teeth in a previous appointment with the dentist. Once the tooth is prepared, the veneer will be placed over the tooth and secured in place with dental cement. A special light will then be used to harden the cement and, hence, the veneer will stay in place. Once you are happy with the fit and feel of the veneer/s you will be free to admire your newly restored smile in the mirror!

How Do I Look After Teeth With Veneers?

Teeth that have had veneers done are cared for exactly like the rest of your teeth. Make sure you brush and floss regularly and steer clear of very hard and crunchy foods. Avoid hard candy and eating ice and don’t use your teeth to tear packaging or force open containers. Colorado Springs veneers are very durable, but they aren’t invulnerable and won’t last long if you abuse them.

One other thing… the ceramic material used in the manufacturing of veneers does not respond to teeth whitening the way natural dental enamel does. Therefore, if you’re considering a visit to your cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs, you may want to mention the fact that you’ve had veneers done. Here’s another thought… before you restore one or more of your teeth, go for a whitening treatment and then match the color of your restorations to your new, beautifully white teeth!

You’re welcome!

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

About Teeth Whitening in Pueblo CO

This article takes a look at how professional teeth whitening works and the procedure followed by patients wanting to improve upon the color and brightness of their teeth.

Ever wonder why your teeth turn purple when you drink wine? Or why they become blue when you over-indulge in blueberries? Well, the enamel of your teeth is, under the microscope, riddled with tiny pores that absorb the tannins in red wine and dark pigments in berries. To get rid of the staining, you only really need to give your teeth a good scrub with some toothpaste, but over time, this staining can become permanent, especially if you regularly indulge in foods and beverages that contain dark pigments, dyes and tannins, such as tea, coffee, sodas and wine. Teeth that may once have been a beautiful, healthy pearly white can easily become dulled and discolored. Thankfully, cosmetic dentists in Colorado offer a solution to this problem and it comes in the form of a teeth whitening treatment.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Teeth Whitening TreatmentA professional teeth whitening, as prescribed by Colorado dentists, can be done many ways. The most popular is bleaching. Your dentist will custom design you a mouth tray from molds that are taken, in-office, of your upper and lower dental arch. Once this is ready for collection, which is usually the day after your appointment, you will pick up your teeth whitening kit and return home ready to begin your smile enhancement!

The kit consists very simply of the mouth tray and a tube of special teeth whitening gel, which contains the bleaching agent hydrogen peroxide. All you need to do is squeeze a small amount of this gel into the tray and spread it evenly so that, when you place it in your mouth and bite down, every surface of your tooth is exposed to the bleach.

“We generally recommend that patients perform this procedure once a day for one or two hours,” explains the cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs. “Treatment length varies depending upon the severity of staining and discoloration, but usually we find that Pueblo CO patients wear the teeth whitening tray daily for about two weeks. Thereafter, patients can do a treatment once every now and then just to maintain pearly whiteness.”

What are the Advantages of Professional Teeth Whitening?

A professional teeth whitening treatment in Pueblo CO achieves natural, beautiful results in a much quicker time frame, unlike many over-the-counter products. Because this cosmetic treatment is prescribed by medical professionals, the whitening gel used can legally contain a greater percentage of bleaching agent, which means it acts faster and more efficiently. “We find that over-the-counter products are better for the maintenance of white teeth, whereas a professional treatment will get you white teeth in the first place,” explains a teeth whitening specialist in Pueblo CO.

Cosmetic Dentists

When is Teeth Whitening NOT a Solution for Discolored Teeth?

Teeth that have become yellowed or darkened are not always stained. Sometimes, tooth decay and the accumulation of plaque and tartar can cause your teeth to turn a less aesthetic color. In cases of poor oral health and hygiene, the Pueblo CO dentist will want to thoroughly clean your teeth and treat any infection or decay before simply addressing your cosmetic concerns. “Healthy teeth are beautiful teeth,” says the cosmetic dentist in Colorado. “So treating unhealthy teeth is kind of like killing two birds with one stone!”

Friday, 13 December 2013

Colorado Springs Dentists Explain the Disadvantages of Dentures

This article examines the problems associated with traditional removable dentures and why modern dental implant procedures offer a much better solution to tooth loss.

For years, centuries even, the technology used to replace a mouth full of failing and/or missing teeth was a set of removable artificial teeth. These teeth or dentures were bulky, rested on the gums and relied on their mass and the support of the soft tissue-covered jawbone ridge to remain in the mouth. The result was a technology that enabled patients to eat and speak to a degree, but that came hand-in-hand with a slew of challenges. In this article, Colorado Springs dentists will be explaining to us just why traditional removable dentures should be a technology of the past and why patients who need new teeth should be opting for dental implants.

Denture Downfalls

Colorado Springs Dentists
“One of the biggest problems with dentures is that they rest on the gums, which means that every time you bite down on food, that pressure gets transferred directly to the gums,” explain Colorado Springs dentist. “This might not initially feel too uncomfortable, but after months of the same abuse, the gums can become painful and inflamed. Nasty sores can develop as well and patients find themselves changing their diet to provide relief to their gums.”

The gums are not built to sustain such pressures, which is why dentures tend to cause Colorado Springs residents so much discomfort. But this isn’t where denture problems begin and end. Colorado Springs dentists have received the following common complaints from patient who have had teeth replaced with this archaic method:

  • Dentures slip around and can fall out,
  • Dentures can have a devastating impact upon self-esteem and social confidence,
  • They don’t look or feel natural,
  • Patients with dentures struggle to manage a wide variety of foods,
  • Dentures do not maintain a healthy jawbone
  • Dentures are a hassle to clean and maintain. They need to be taken out after every meal and at nighttime for careful cleaning.
  • They require repeat expenses, such as overnight soaking solutions, anesthetic gels, storage containers and adhesive strips,
  • Dentures can harbor food and bacteria, leading to “denture halitosis”,
  • Dentures require frequent refitting, so Colorado Springs residents are constantly spending money on their replacement teeth.

All of these challenges aside, what comes as the biggest shock is the fact that wearing dentures can shorten Colorado Springs residents’ life expectancy by a staggering 10 years!

“Over time, bite functionality deteriorates as jaw bone volume is lost to atrophy,” explain Colorado Springs dentists. “Consequently, patients are able to manage less and less food at mealtimes. What used to be a pleasure is now a battle with uncomfortable, loose teeth and extremely tender gums. The result of all this is malnourishment. Eventually, a patient’s jawbone can deteriorate to the point where they can only bite down with 6% of the force of a natural, healthy bite. A lack of proper nutrition can shorten life expectancy quite considerably.”

What’s the Alternative?

The fact is dentures simply don’t offer Colorado Springs residents the functionality, aesthetics and comfort that the modern alternative, dental implants, do. And yet, patients still choose dentures as their teeth replacement solution, allowing a concern for cost to take center stage in the decision making process. Dental implants are a far more sophisticated, comfortable, functional, aesthetic and long-lasting solution to rampant tooth loss and edentulism (not having any natural teeth). They’re also more cost effective in the long run, so speak to your Colorado Springs dentist about your teeth replacement options and ditch the dentures!

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Frequently Asked Questions about Teeth Whitening in Pueblo CO

This article tackles some of the questions patients frequently ask cosmetic dentists about teeth whitening as a solution to dulled and discolored teeth.

FAQ: Why do teeth become stained?

Teeth Whitening
Answer: Under the microscope, you’ll see that the enamel covering your teeth contains legions of tiny pores. Over the years and with repeated exposure to the tannins and dark pigments in the foods and beverages we eat and drink, the enamel can become stained and darker. Habits such as smoking and tobacco chewing contribute significantly. This is a gradual process that can be combated with a quick, easy and inexpensive teeth whitening treatment in Pueblo CO.

FAQ: How does a teeth whitening treatment work?

Answer: There are a variety of teeth whitening methods used by Pueblo CO dentists, but the most popular one is bleaching. This involves the exposure of the dental enamel to a special whitening gel that contains the bleaching agent, hydrogen peroxide. With time and repeated exposure, bleaching lightens the shade of the dental enamel, making it look whiter and more beautiful.

Dosages vary, but it’s usually administered via a customized mouth tray, which is lined with the special bleaching gel. This is worn for one or two hours every day for one to two weeks, or until the desired level of whiteness has been achieved. Dentists in Pueblo CO will advise you accordingly.

FAQ: What’s the advantage of getting teeth whitening done professionally when there are so many over-the counter products available?

Answer: It’s true; many toothpastes and mouthwashes come with a tiny concentration of bleaching agent, which help to keep your teeth glisteningly white. However, it is required by law that the concentration of bleach in over-the-counter products is severely restricted. While these products offer a great way to maintain a white smile, getting there is better and more efficiently achieved with a professional in-office teeth whitening treatment in Pueblo CO. With the supervision of a trained dentist, the products used can contain a greater concentration of bleaching agent, which means that you’ll achieve better, more natural results, faster.

FAQ: Is there a limit on how frequently I can have my teeth whitened?

Dentists in Pueblo CO
Answer: With professional teeth whitening, you should only need to go for treatment once to enjoy results that last at least a few years. If you are a serious coffee drinker and/or a smoker, you may need to come in more frequently. Dentists in Pueblo CO will advise patients accordingly as to what treatment frequency is safe. If you are not happy with the results of bleaching and if your teeth still look discolored and stained, you may want to consider an alternative cosmetic procedure. Dental veneers offer a fantastic aesthetic solution to teeth that have sustained the kind of deep staining that a bleaching cannot remove.

FAQ: Is teeth whitening bad for my teeth?

Answer: If performed by a trained and experienced teeth whitening professional in Pueblo CO and if you adhere closely to his or her recommendations, this treatment is entirely safe. If, however, you use too much of the bleaching gel and for too long, you can risk alkaline burns to your gums. A fairly common side effect of teeth bleaching is tooth sensitivity, but this can be combated with special toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Speak to your dentist if you have noticed anything out of the ordinary during the course of your teeth whitening treatment.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Colorado Springs Dentists on the Wonders of Teeth Whitening

This article provides a brief overview of teeth whitening, how it works and what the treatment involves.

Coffee, tea, red wine, blueberries, cola, balsamic vinegar, soy and curry sauces, sports energy drinks and certain candy… the list goes on. There is a plethora of foods and beverages that contain pigments and tannins that seep into the tiny pores of our dental enamel, making our teeth appear darker and not-so pearly white. This discoloration can typically be removed with a swift brushing, but over the years, the staining accumulates at a level that toothbrushing becomes ineffectual. The result is a dulled and unaesthetic smile.

Prestige Dental Implant Center
The great news is that many Colorado Springs dentists offer teeth whitening as a quick, simple and inexpensive treatment for patients who would like to put the glint back into their grin!

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

“Teeth whitening treatment involves the repeat exposure of the outer surfaces of the teeth to a bleaching agent, such as hydrogen peroxide,” explain Colorado Springs dentists. “This serves to whiten the dental enamel, making the teeth appear a few shades lighter than before, which can totally change the appearance of one’s smile.”

Teeth whitening is generally recommended to Colorado Springs residents whose teeth have become discolored by various staining foods and beverages over the years. What this treatment cannot eliminate is deep staining caused by certain medications and conditions such as fluorosis (over-exposure to fluoride during one’s formative years.)

“Teeth whitening is a cosmetic treatment only,” explain Colorado Springs dentists. “We are always sure to diagnose the cause of dental discoloration prior to putting together a whitening kit for patients. There’s no sense in bleaching teeth that have become discolored as a result of decay because the origin of said discoloration is internal and will simply persist to the point of tooth loss if left unaddressed.”

What Does Treatment Involve?

Teeth whitening is incredibly simple and easy to do. If you’ve noticed your teeth looking a little dulled and discolored, it can make a big difference and a huge cosmetic improvement without looking unnatural. Next time you go to your Colorado Springs dentist for a check-up and cleaning, ask him or her to prepare a teeth whitening kit for you.

You will have a mold made of your teeth, which will be used to custom fabricate a mouth tray for you. Some Colorado Springs teeth whitening offices can get this done on the same day as your appointment if you wait around for half an hour. Others will require that you return the next day for collection.

Your teeth whitening kit will consist of your customized mouth tray and a special whitening gel that contains a percentage of carbamide peroxide (the bleaching agent). You line the tray with this gel so that it is evenly distributed and will make contact with every surface of your dentition, from the front incisors to the back molars. You then press this tray against your teeth and bite down gently.
Colorado Springs Teeth Whitening

“We generally recommend that patients wear these trays for an hour or two, once a day, for one to two weeks,” say Colorado Springs dentists. “The exact length of treatment depends upon the degree of discoloration and staining and the results a patient wishes to see.”

Every day, the shade of your teeth will lighten until, once the desired level of whitening has been achieved, you can cease treatment. And that’s really all there is to it! Quick, simple and inexpensive!