Monday, 25 November 2013

Dental Implants Specialists in Pueblo CO Discuss the 12 Most Common Mouth Problems, PART 3

This three-part article series provides an explanation of the most common oral conditions, ailments and diseases that affect Americans today, from cold sores to gum disease.

Colorado Springs Dentist
Welcome back to our three-part article series on the 12 most common oral ailments, conditions and diseases. Over the course of the first two article posts, professionals of dental implants in Pueblo CO have explained the following 8 problems to us:

1. Cold sores or fever blisters
2. Oral thrush
3. Black hairy tongue
4. Canker sores or apthuous ulcers
5. Leukoplakia
6. Oral cancer
7. Temporomandibular joint disorders
8. Chipped teeth

We still have another 4 to go, so let’s wrap this series up!

9. Top Oral Problems: Gum Disease

With close to 80% of American adults presenting with some form or stage of gum disease, this oral ailment is a pervasive problem that is actually very easily prevented. “Gum disease is a bacterial infection of the gums caused by poor oral hygiene, a lack of professional attention and bad habits such as tobacco use, excessive drinking and drug abuse,” says an oral surgeon in Colorado Springs.

“Periodontitis, or gum disease, is caused by bacteria that have migrated deep down into the tight spaces between the teeth and the gums where they form pockets of infection. The acids produced by the bacteria corrode the tooth roots, break down the structures and ligaments that keep the teeth in the jaw and deteriorate bone health, which is why gum disease causes tooth loss.”

Timely treatment is essential because gum disease has been linked with several other whole-body ailments, including diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and respiratory disease.

10. Top Oral Problems: Aspirin Burn

Oral Surgeon in Colorado Springs
It’s a common old wives tale… tucking an aspirin in your cheek against a painful tooth is a sure fire way to get rid of a toothache. Well, according to dental implants specialists in Pueblo CO, it’s actually a sure fire way to damage your tooth and the surrounding soft tissue!  “Aspirin is acidic, which softens dental enamel and makes it more vulnerable to erosion. It also irritates and inflames your gums and can even burn a rough lesion into your cheek.”

Does it at least get rid of the toothache?

“No, aspirin blocks the transmission of pain signals to the brain and needs to be ingested. It doesn’t work when applied topically, so you’re wasting your time and doing unnecessary damage to your mouth,” says an oral surgeon in Colorado Springs.

11. Top Oral Problems: Tooth Decay and Oral Abscesses

Poor oral hygiene causes all sorts of nasty problems and oral ailments. A diet high in sugar and habits such as tobacco use, drug abuse and excessive drinking can also mess up the health of your teeth and gums. “Dental cavities, tooth discoloration and abscesses are all linked with a sloppy oral hygiene routine, which is essential for preventing infection,” say dental implants specialists in Pueblo CO. “Never ignore persistent tooth aches, gum inflammation and swelling as it might be a sign of serious infection, which can easily enter the bloodstream.”

12. Top Oral Problems: Bad Breath

Bad oral hygiene also leads to that greatest of social deterrents… bad breath. “Halitosis is caused by the unchecked accumulation of oral bacteria and food debris at the gum line, in, on and between your teeth and on your tongue. Brushing your teeth twice a day simply isn’t enough to keep your breath fresh. You should be brushing two to three times a day for at least two minutes at a time and make sure to floss before you go to bed at night. You also might want to incorporate an anti-bacterial mouthwash into your routine,” advises an oral surgeon in Colorado Springs. “Drink plenty of water; see your dentist and oral hygienist regularly and you should be able to keep your breath (and teeth) in beautiful minty condition.”

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Colorado Springs Dental Implants Specialists Discuss the 12 Most Common Mouth Problems, PART 2

This three-part article series provides an explanation of the most common oral conditions, ailments and diseases that affect Americans today, from cold sores to gum disease.

Welcome back to our three-part article series on the 12 most common oral ailments, conditions and diseases. In our previous article post, the first installment of the series, Colorado Springs dental implants specialists explained the following four problems to us:

1. Cold sores or fever blisters
2. Oral thrush
3. Black hairy tongue
4. Canker sores or apthuous ulcers

We still have another 8 to go, so let’s jump right in!

5. Top Oral Problems: Leukoplakia

Colorado Springs Dental Implants Leukoplakia is a whitish patch or plaque that forms in the mouth and can be scraped off. It generally forms in reaction to an irritation, such as tobacco (smoked or smokeless), alcohol, rough teeth or dentures that don’t fit well. These patches are completely painless and can be treated by removing the cause of irritation. Having said that, persistent leukoplakia can be a sign of cancer, so you should see your Pueblo dentist CO for a proper diagnosis if you present with this problem.

6. Top Oral Problems: Oral Cancer

“Oral cancer is a major problem that, if not diagnosed and treated in its early stages, can be fatal,” warn Colorado Springs dental implants specialists. “It appears as a persistent mouth sore that doesn’t heal. Patients may also experience strange and unexplained numbness in the neck, mouth or face. The causes of oral cancer include a family history, smoking and chewing tobacco, repeated exposure to the sun and excessive drinking. Recent medical research has linked oral cancer with HPV (human papillomavirus), so make sure you see your dentist for regular preventative check-ups!”

7. Top Oral Problems: Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ)

TMJ disorders are characterized by a disharmony between the articulating joint in the jawbone and the intra-articular disk and surrounding muscles. This can result in stiffness of the joint, inflammation and painful facial muscles. “TMJ can cause acute discomfort for patients,” says the Pueblo dentist CO. “It’s usually associated with teeth grinding, jaw clenching or trauma received to the head, neck or face. It can be very painful and the pain associated with this condition can refer to the head and neck, causing terrible headaches that can leave patients dizzy and nauseous. Extreme cases of TMJ may require surgery, but generally, treatment measures such as mouth-guards, periods of rest and pain-killers are sufficient.”

8. Top Oral Problems: Chipped Teeth

Pueblo Dentist CO Our teeth are made from the hardest substance in our bodies and yet they are not invulnerable. We tend to forget this when we do stupid things like use them as tools for punishing tasks, such as chewing ice, forcing open containers, tearing packaging and grinding them. “These tasks and habits can cause the enamel of the teeth to become chipped or worn down, exposing the softer and more vulnerable dentine underneath,” say Colorado Springs dental implants specialists.

“There is a number of restorative treatments Pueblo dentists can provide to protect damaged and worn teeth. These include bonding, porcelain veneers or even crowns for teeth that have sustained considerable damage or decay.”

Stay Tuned for Part 3

To read more about the various problems and ailments that affect the oral cavity, stay tuned for the final installment of this three-part article series.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Pueblo Dental Implants Specialists Discuss the 12 Most Common Mouth Problems, PART 1

This three-part article series provides an explanation of the most common oral conditions, ailments and diseases that affect Americans today, from cold sores to gum disease.

Your mouth is incredibly important. Just think of all the things you use it for: eating, speaking, breathing, smiling, conveying emotion and communication (verbal and non-verbal). So, when something goes wrong with our mouths, it can be incredibly hard to ignore! Unfortunately, there are a great number of things that can go wrong, from ulcers and sores to infection and inflammation. What’s important is that you know what to look out for and when to know it’s time to seek professional help.

To facilitate this education, we spoke to some Pueblo dental implants specialists who put their heads together to identify the 12 most common mouth problems. In this 3-part article series, we shall be exploring these ailments.

1. Top Oral Problems: Cold Sores or Fever Blisters

Pueblo Dental Implants
Cold sores are raised, inflamed and painful sores that form on your lips, around your mouth or inside the mouth. They are caused by the Herpes Simplex virus that is transmitted via close contact, usually from a kiss or by drinking out of the same glass as someone who is infected. “While there are medications available for the alleviation of discomfort and hastened healing of cold sores, or fever blisters, there is no absolute cure,” say Colorado Springs family dentists.

2. Top Oral Problems: Oral Thrush

“Thrush is an incredibly unpleasant oral condition that presents most commonly in elderly people or babies,” says a Pueblo dental implants specialist. “It’s a yeast infection that coats the back of the tongue and throat with a white, sticky growth. Thrush is usually associated with a compromised immune system, certain medications (for example, inhaled corticosteroids), diabetes and antibiotics. Many patients make the mistake of trying to wipe away the white patches, but this only leads to pain and discomfort. See your dentist for a proper diagnosis and treatment.”

3. Top Oral Problems: Black Hairy Tongue

It may be painless, but this oral problem is as unpleasant as it sounds: for you and for those around you! Black hairy tongue is caused by the unchecked growth of the taste buds covering your tongue. Food and bacteria are easily trapped in the tangle of elongated taste buds, resulting in the darkened appearance of the tongue and persistent bad breath. The long taste buds can also make the tongue appear hairy, hence the name of the condition.

Colorado Springs Family Dentists “Black hairy tongue is caused by poor oral hygiene, antibiotics, tobacco-use and medications that cause dry mouth,” say Colorado Springs family dentists. “Thankfully, it can almost always be treated with good oral hygiene and a tongue scraper.”

4. Top Oral Problems: Canker Sores

“Canker sores or apthuous ulcers are quite a nuisance and we’re not entirely sure what causes them to form,” say Pueblo dental implants specialists. “They’re small blisters that form on the soft tissues on the mouth, usually on the buccal lining (inner cheeks) or tongue and are very painful. They usually disappear after a week or so, but if they persist, there are some treatment options available that include anesthetic ointments or even dental laser therapy.”

Stay Tuned for Part 2

To read more about the various problems and ailments that affect the oral cavity, stay tuned for the second installment of this three-part article series.